The loose leadership of Sen. Noynoy Aquino inside Liberal Party as reflected on his ill-managed campaigns that have been the cost of his flat lining public support also led to the supposed entry of formerly accused drug lord- Kim Wong in his political wing. Kim Wong, who had been formerly accused as Sen. Panfilo Lacson’s protected “drug trader”, is also a well-known “financing” alter ego of Lacson and Mayorial candidate former PNP Chief Avelino Razon. The tycoon who owned chains of casinos in the country is rumored to be Lacson’s “eyes and ears” within LP’s doors. Using around 2 billion pesos worth of drug money, Wong was able to sneak into LP’s political affairs.
Apparently, Wong’s entry inside Aquino’s presidential parade is masterminded nonetheless by Sen. Lacson. As expected, Lacson is planning on remotely controlling the affairs of Aquino for his advantage to include the probable dumping of his case by the time Aquino ascends to Malacañang. Furthermore, other than Wong, other Chinese tycoons are also playing a role for Lacson’s behalf, one of which is a renowned real estate investor. Intentionally, these personalities would make-up the pressuring bloc that would push Aquino off the edge in favor of “dry-cleaning” Lacson’s no-guilty defense on the Dacer-Corbito case.
Unfortunately, this drug money is trailing LP’s dealings. The 2 billion is merely the tip of the iceberg of illegal money laundering and “political deception” that would no sooner absolve Lacson of his high crimes and rectify his former clout in protecting drug lords such as Wong. Other than courting LP with billions of pesos, Lacson’s camp is also using his political consultant, Lito Banayo, to seal his ties with LP. Banayo, who had been a close-friend of the Aquinos with his former participation in the emancipation of the course against the Marcos dictatorship, is also running a good show inside Aquino’s camp. Acting like a good confidante, Banayo is “sweet whispering” LP about the entry of this huge sum of money under the names of Wong and others.
LP admitted negligence on overseeing their campaigns and even their candidates’ platform presentations. At first they blamed it on “flooding” donations that reached an overbearing point that involved LP feeling unappreciative of the support being extended to Aquino. Ironically, LP confesses their faults with a bang of showing off but there should be nothing to be proud about illegal drugs feeding Aquino’s presidential ambitions. Not unless they thought they could keep it a secret from the public.
Blind leadership is what’s causing LP’s collapse. Some say, this is something the Party has brought upon itself after choosing a “wimp” over Sen. Mar Roxas. Conflict-ridden LP keeps making absurd excuses to the next. But what does this “divisiveness” and fluidity of authority and control in LP suggest? If Aquino could not sniff out one crime committed within his backyard, how would you expect him to run a government safeguarding an archipelago with 90 million inhabitants?
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