Nothing could go wrong when one thinks outside the box and tries settling its own evasive affairs, like how the media make use of exploring controversies in order to make money. The negative write-ups on the current administration are hypothetically thrice the magnitude of Gloria’s claimed fandom in her ascendancy through Edsa Dos in 2001. Her administration who gagged-down a multi-million plunderer out of Malacañang is now being held at question by the very forces of the convicted-president Erap Estrada. It is bothersome how the public welcomes Erap who was neither regretful of his erring actions in 2000 nor conciliatory with the very administration that pardoned him for good. Thanks to what we could attest as “media-led distortion of accepted morals”, Erap is now our hero and Gloria, our devious archenemy.
The graft charges on GLORIA never hold ground. They were either lacking substance or worst politically motivated basing on the actions of its renowned whistleblowers who by now are testing the political waters for the nearing 2010. Compared with Erap, his plunder charges were proven factual and thereby contemptuous. During his term, the peso reached its intolerable dollar exchanges while oil prices skyrocketed. In fact, it was in Estradas’ term when peso struck its lowest buying ability in the international market. An open offensive with both the secessionist and Communist groups in the country also took a spin in the country’s stability and even destabilize the state’s budget. Erap was a sham president that People Power ousted from the presidency.
But with the kind of media ass-kissing Erap is getting, his supposed “negative pull” to the masses decreased in unexplainable heights. This same media mileage and even “grooming” led him to believe that Juan dela Cruz are naïve and stupid enough to welcome him in the presidential seat by 2010. The plunderer Erap was even remolded into a tempting delicacy for the 2010 elections; which is why, bunch of his enemies before side with him now. Like for example, the rightist moralists led by Bayan Muna Teddy Casiño and Satur Ocampo who spearheaded the Erap Resign Movement in 2001. In April of this year, both Casiño and Ocampo declared an open-alliance with the Estradas and his comrades in the political Opposition. This, by far, should have been a well-celebrated case of politicking at its “best” but the media made it look like a “decent” or worth accepting trend.
There was nothing in Gloria’s SONA that I myself had not experienced nor witnessed in front row seats. She was right with the fact that political stunts and backbiting among the Genuine Opposition was her deadliest opponent. Their accusations were cowardly done. Taking these Gloria plunder charges into public trials other than filing it in the proper courts should have been exploited by the media. However, this was ridden-on by the press to simply write stories that sell that contains nothing less than rumors or gossips.
Come to think of it, if Erap was in the seat of power as we while down the whirlwind of global recession, most would now be starving to death. The way the peso was dragging in Erap’s term; there is no denying that Juan dela Cruz would not have had the ability to feed himself a decent meal.
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