The thing about Sen. Noynoy Aquino belittling the recent “paid” ratings of the Social Weather Station Survey (SWS) simply made it obvious how unreliable and “superficial” his lead was for the past months. Undoubtedly, the part where he bagged the highest public favor for the executive post is nonetheless an illusion financed by his well-off “backers”. Besides, who can tell otherwise? Who can guarantee that those numbers are consistently correct after “Sen. Noy” practically made a mock comment about the independent survey corporation being easily bought and easily manipulated.
The ratings whether we admit it or not gives an undying mark on voters’ consciousness. This reaches out to people who are just going with the wave, which is, voting with the majority. The SWS ratings that bore Sen. Aquino’s name on the top are good campaign paraphernalia, to which LP has obviously been enjoying and exploiting in past couple of months. Mind conditioning and name recall are basics of PR particularly when one speaks of gaining political heights during election. The surveys bagged both by presenting these ratings on every newsprint in the country.
But why would LP’s bet throw such an uncalled-for sarcasm? Was Sen. Noy not briefed about these surveys that helped his claimed “poorly-funded” campaigns?
It is unfair to tag Sen. Manuel Villar’s sponsored surveys as “cheap” and scheming. LP may have held their horses when Aquino stirred his comment and lightened it a bit by saying “not all” but nonetheless the one that catered Villar was the same company that gave-out public trust that apportioned his liking. The “cheap” and “quality” surveys all came from SWS. Now, doesn’t that make the survey outfit being run by whosever’s pocket is fatter?
Besides, Villar is not the only presidentiable willing to spill out millions or is he the one with the sole capability to buy himself a favorable rating. Villar is among those desperate to bite the bait of Communist fanatics like Satur Ocampo’s 2 million Bayan Muna command vote, but he is not likely the only one frantic on taking all possible means to get good voters turn-out. In fact, Both Villar and Aquino are riding on issues of ratings and even “unlikely” supporters to outwit their adversaries. They are seemingly the same band of “robbers” who stab each other’s backs.
Did LP forget to look at one of their own, who are the Aranetas and Cojuangcos behind their “apos” or “sons” in the likes of Senators Noy and Mar? It is quite ironic that these LP elites felt inferior over Villar when it is an open-secret that Villar could not beat those clans single-handedly, especially when we talk of millions of pesos. Juan dela Cruz finds it offensive that Sen. Noy’s camp actually considers themselves as “poor”. That is like adding insult to the toiling Hacienda Luisita farmers that until now are robbed of their rights to own a decent piece of land.
Acting weak and being “hoodwinked” do not fit LPs candidates pretty well. Sen. Noy’s “childish” naysay about the SWS’ ratios should make him a laughing stock and expose him for the “phony” that he is.
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