Ambassador Ernesto Maceda’s take on the civil society groups’ incessant pitching of Senator Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino as the only viable instrument of reform says it all. In his column with the Daily Tribune, Maceda claimed that former social welfare secretary Dinky Soliman and her cohorts have been strutting around as if they have a monopoly of the reform agenda and that their elitist mentality will in no way bag the presidency for their candidate, Noynoy. Maceda further pointed that they sang the same tune in 2001 when they backed then Vice President Arroyo but later admitted their so-called fault in a highly controversial en masse resignation at the Hyatt Hotel in 2005.
That scenario only proved that these civil society groups can and have been using their influence to deliberately position favored personalities in the government and unfortunately after milking the official to their hearts content would intentionally discard their pawn like a dirty piece of rag and unitarily trample in public. Will Noynoy, who is most assuredly a neophyte in the intricacies of our country’s politics, be able to handle this? Will his parents’ name and legacy be able to protect him from the clutches of these civil society groups who have been fronting as patriots but are actually backstabbers to the very sense of the word? Remember the time when Dinky Soliman was unseated from her throne at DSWD and with Vice President Noli De Castro subsequently assuming her place? Did she not approach former President Corazon Aquino and immaturely bashed President Arroyo, the very same person who gave her that position and who – as the top leader of the land - has the prerogative to appoint anyone she sees fit. Did Dinky not return to Malacañang to offer her services as an adviser to Noli after the bashing and even sang a song for GMA during a dramatic walk in the Palace grounds a year later?
They did it before so they are most likely to do it again. Mark my words, if Senator Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino succeeds in the upcoming Presidential Election in May 2010, his so-called patrons from the civil society groups headed by Dinky Soliman will most assuredly find a way to bring him down. Maybe they will use his inexperience as a reason or maybe his elitist view on things which could result to his inability to obtain the nod of the “masa” and the militant organizations in the country.
Just like progressive personalities like Representative Satur Ocampo of Bayan Muna, these civil society groups will find a way, an issue or even a physical attribute of Noynoy just so they can boot him out of Malacañang. The reported “talk between two friends” being coordinated by United Opposition spokesperson Jejomar Binay between deposed president-still-wanting to be President Joseph Estrada and the Liberal Party’s standard bearer will already be ticked off by Dinky Soliman and her minions as Noynoy’s first mistake in their secret score board.
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