Last March 21, Ping Lacson held secret meetings with Juliet Dumlao (wife of Glenn Dumlao) during his short provincial visits around Isabela. As scooped-out, Lacson and Mrs Dumlao met inside Amity Hotel in Cauayan early morning of said day right before the scheduled radio interview of Mrs Dumlao involving her clamor for having Glenn home. This then sparked alarming rumors. Was Lacson really checking on how the Dumlaos weather the impending extradition and trial of Glenn? Or was he making sure Mrs. Dumlao’s interview would not end-up detrimental to his political career?
It is public knowledge that Glenn Dumlao former PAOC-TF Luzon Task Group Chief of Operations first spilled the beans on “higher-ups” orchestrating the murder. These higher-ups involved Michael Ray Aquino and Cesar Mancao. The allegations made by Glenn led us now to Mancao’s affidavit that enclose admission to the actuality of the murder and then Lacson-ordered cover-up. The sworn statements of Mancao and Dumlao at this point are hard evidences that vividly illustrate the entire actuation of the murder. And, these were enough to create a clearer involvement of both Erap and Ping to the murders.
It took about four days after the Mancao affidavits disclosure here in the country that Dumlao had unexplainably bailed himself out of extradition. As expected, someone is trying to bar his extradition. Apparently these were all part of delaying tactics. Obviously, someone among the 21-list of suspects divulged in Mancao’s affidavit is trying to ease-out public speculations over the Dacer-Corbito case. He (someone influential enough that does everything in his power to manipulate the evidences) knows quite well that with Dumlao seconding the statements of Mancao, the Dacer-Corbito case could already be considered “case-close”. No more debates but a guilty verdict for all 21 to include ofcourse the solons-Erap and Ping. Just for a thought, why would known Lacson finance officer to include his son-Jay and business partner-Lerma Facto were all in the US by the time Dumlaos $100,000 bail bond was sourced out from a so-called anonymous donor.
Among Mancao’s (21) list of suspects, Lacson was undeniably the one visibly trying to spoil the progress on the Dacer-Corbito murder wrap. He was the only one defensive and anxious enough that even before the list was disclosed he paraded press releases and claimed his being sold-out. Lacson readily divulged a supposed text message enclosing Mancao’s loyalty to him in the daily tabloids and papers, a move destructively countering the affidavit.
For the benefit of those who chose to ignore what the controversial Mancao text message was, it involves the exoneration of Lacson in the Dacer case. As Lacson claimed, his man (Mancao) was assuring him of his loyalty. What Lacson don’t get is the fact that loyalty to him does not mean loyalty to the truth. Mancao staying loyal and promising to rid Lacson of the case could mean making alibis and taking the fall for the good senator. The text message meant nothing else than Mancao doing Lacson a favor.
And, that includes being part of the PAOC-TF’s sacrificial lambs.
This favor-asking is inevitably the reason why Lacson met with Juliet Dumlao in the first place. The good senator could be sucking-up on Dumlao’s wife like what Juan dela Cruz commonly refers to as “pakitang-tao”. Or else, Lacson could be buying Dumlao out through his wife. He could be courting him to recant his previous statements and ofcourse weaken Mancao’s affidavits.
Just imagine, if you were Mrs. Dumlao would you really want Glenn home despite the fact that he sure is going straight to jail? She misses him that much that she would rather have him in jail to face a trial that could drag years more?
Or, would Mrs Dumlao be smart enough to act as directed by (let say) Lacson in exchange for a $100,000 worth bail bond that could buy Glenn time to stay in the US?
Ironically, this mean time long enough for Lacson and lawyer Alex Ovisado to battle their claims that there were no bodies to start in inquest in the first place. Thus there would be no case to file and charges to face. No need for the extradition and ofcourse no persecution for her beloved Glenn Dumlao?
1 comment:
On Dumlao - Journalistic Ethics / Accuracy / Professionalism / Fairness
Will the PRESS, the MEDIA and BLOGGERS kindly be RESPONSIBLE and disambiguate the name of the subject in question in their news reports, articles and writings?
The COMPLETE NAME of the former Police Senior Superintendent is "GLENN GALAPON DUMLAO". Even simply stating "GLENN G. DUMLAO" even at least ONCE within each article would be sufficient to DISAMBIGUATE the person from others, like myself, who are similarly named.
This ambiguity has caused SEVERE difficulties and real economic damages for me and it has been and still is an absolute nightmare having to live and deal with this-- all the way back from the Kuratong Baleleng case then this, the Dacer/Corbito case.
Frankly, it is as close to libel and character assassination as you can get without really trying-- and that is truly unfair to me.
I request that you kindly edit and correct all electronic articles and ensure that all future printed articles CLEARLY DISAMBIGUATE the name of the subject at least once in each of your articles and all articles that you copy-and-paste or otherwise quote from third party-sources as this would only be Journalistically Ethical, Professional and Fair.
The articles you've posted electronically still turns up the ambiguous information unless edited for ACCURACY and FAIRNESS.
Thank you for maintaining the high standards of PROFESSIONALISM and FAIRNESS I have come to expect from you through all these years.
Yours truly,
Glenn M Dumlao
kindly refer to the following:
This information is of PUBLIC RECORD on personnel files, police blotters, civil service records, and even court records -- ALL easily discovered through due diligence investigative reporting
GMA 7 Networks has (because of my prodding) responsibly started to include the disambiguation in their artivles (though they have yet to change past posts) see:
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